For a copy of your loan history, email us with the following information:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone number
4. Loan number (if known)
Automatic Payments
Don't miss a payment - Save on Postage & Interest
At no cost to you, Bancentre will automatically process your payment from your checking or savings account. While using this service, we do not mail you bills and therefore can offer you a lower interest rate.
Email to request this service. Include the following information:
1) Your name exactly as it appears on your bank account
2) Your current phone number
3) Routing number (9 digits - lower left side of your printed checks)
4) Bank account number (including any preceding zeros)
5) Your Bancentre loan number (if known)
6) The month you would like to begin automatic payments
We will immediately lower your rate following the first processed payment.
If you have questions or do not receive confirmation within 48 hours, please
call 360.834.8508.
If you are already on autopay, but want to change the
account to be processed, follow the same procedure or
call 360-834-8508 (we must be notified at least 5 days in
advance of your payment date).